As obras de instalação do novo
sistema de sinalização para que CPTM possa reduzir o intervalo entre trens para 3
minutos, junto é claro com as obras do Ferroanel estão cada vez mais atrasados.
Os prazos para a instalação da nova tecnologia foram dadas a partir
de 2007, e até 2012 todos os ramais deveriam contar com as sistemas de
Em 2007, a CPTM fechou financiamento do Bird para implantar o ATC nas
linhas 7-Rubi, 9-Esmeralda e 12-Safira no valor à época de R$ 200
milhões, ganho por o consórcio formado por Efacec e Union Switch. Nessas
linhas, o intervalo entre os trens deveria ter caído para 4 minutos no
fim de 2010, mas houve atrasos sendo que apenas a linha 9, que teve a
sinalização instalada, tem este intervalo nos trecho entre Pinheiros e
Jurubatuba no horário de pico. O novo prazo agora para os ramais 7 e 12 é
para 2016.
Já em 2009 a Companhia assinou um contrato de € 280 milhões com um
consórcio formado pelas espanholas Dimetronic e Infoglobal e pela
brasileira MPE Montagens e Projetos Especiais. O contrato prevê a
implantação de um novo sistema de sinalização e controle de tráfego, o
chamado CBTC, nas Linhas 8-Diamante, 10-Turquesa e 11-Coral. Naquele ano, as Linhas 8-Diamante e 11-Coral
tinham o prazo de 18 meses, ou seja, 2012 para instalação da nova
sinalização a partir da assinatura do contrato. Na Linha 10-Turquesa, o prazo é
de 18 meses depois de terminada a instalação do novo sistema nas outras duas linhas.
Porém o ramal que tem a funcionalidade mais adiantada é o da Linha 8-Diamante,
com 70% das obras concluídas. Nenhum dos 3 ainda operam com CBTC.
Fonte da Notícia: Via Trólebus
The works of the new signaling system installation so CPTM can reduce the interval between trains for 3 minutes along of course with the works of Ferroanel are increasingly delayed.
The deadlines for the installation of the new technology were given from 2007 until 2012 and all extensions should rely on signaling systems
In 2007, the CPTM closed financing Bird to deploy ATC on lines 7-Ruby, 9-Emerald and 12-Sapphire in the time value of U.S. $ 200 million, won by the consortium formed by Efacec and Union Switch. In these lines, the interval between trains should have fallen for 4 minutes at the end of 2010, but were delayed and only line 9, which had signage installed, this range has the stretch between Pine and Jurubatuba at peak times. The new deadline for extensions now 7:12 is for 2016.
In 2009 the Company signed a € 280 million with a consortium formed by the Spanish and Dimetronic Infoglobal and Brazilian MPE Assemblies and Special Projects. The contract involves the implementation of a new system of signage and traffic control, called CBTC, Lines 8-Diamond, 10-Turquoise and 11-Coral. That year, the Lines 11-Coral and 8-Diamond had a period of 18 months, ie 2012 for installation of new signage from the signing of the contract. Line 10-Turquoise, the deadline is 18 months after the completion of the installation of the new system on the other two lines.
But the extension that has the earliest feature is the 8-Line Diamond, with 70% of the completed works. None of the three still operate with CBTC.
Source of News: Via Trólebus
The deadlines for the installation of the new technology were given from 2007 until 2012 and all extensions should rely on signaling systems
In 2007, the CPTM closed financing Bird to deploy ATC on lines 7-Ruby, 9-Emerald and 12-Sapphire in the time value of U.S. $ 200 million, won by the consortium formed by Efacec and Union Switch. In these lines, the interval between trains should have fallen for 4 minutes at the end of 2010, but were delayed and only line 9, which had signage installed, this range has the stretch between Pine and Jurubatuba at peak times. The new deadline for extensions now 7:12 is for 2016.
In 2009 the Company signed a € 280 million with a consortium formed by the Spanish and Dimetronic Infoglobal and Brazilian MPE Assemblies and Special Projects. The contract involves the implementation of a new system of signage and traffic control, called CBTC, Lines 8-Diamond, 10-Turquoise and 11-Coral. That year, the Lines 11-Coral and 8-Diamond had a period of 18 months, ie 2012 for installation of new signage from the signing of the contract. Line 10-Turquoise, the deadline is 18 months after the completion of the installation of the new system on the other two lines.
But the extension that has the earliest feature is the 8-Line Diamond, with 70% of the completed works. None of the three still operate with CBTC.
Source of News: Via Trólebus
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